Saturday, June 23, 2007

Montenegro before and after

Usually, when you rent an old house with idea of putting a restaurant in it, you first have to convince the owner that you have the money to pay the rent if things don't go well (him or her knowing that they probably will not), then convince the owner that you really need to take down allot of walls and make holes in the floor, cieling, and walls. These things are considered "damages" to the owner of the home. To you they are, however, "improvements". Here is our proposal of the façade of the Gonzalez house. Keep in mind that Mr. Gonzalez owns a chain of theaters, restaurants, Cable company, and lord knows what else, so he's ganno be skepticle. Also keep in mind that he approached me and not visa versa, so this whole thing was his idea. He probably was not thinking about something so far out, or maybe he was. We'll see.

This is a pic of my wife in front of the house. It has allot of caracter. Screams "retro" and "formal" and, I think, "sexy".

This is what we are going to ask to do. Yes, the dogs will be real Great Danes, Harlequins, and there will really be an elephant topiary outside. Two dogs, three chandeliers, some moulding around the door, a wall full of plants, and you have it.

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